A Treat For Myself - Why Not Buy Roses?

"With my work, I travel a lot so if I rarely buy flowers for home as I feel guilty that they'll often go to waste. As I might be at home for a few days and then away for a week. By the time I get back they have died. But I LOVE real flowers in the house...so you can see the dilemma! 

1 Year Roses White Roses

When I heard about 1 Year Roses I thought the roses couldn't possibly be real. However, after reading some more info on the website I couldn't believe that I didn't know about these gems sooner!

White Roses last for 1 Year

I couldn't wait to order the Winter White for the lounge in my apartment. They look stunning and people always comment on how beautiful they are.

Peach and white 1 year roses

I'm thinking about ordering the Perfect Peach or the Paris Pink for my bedroom. It's so hard to decide as I want them all!"

"Winter White" Ordered by Heather, Washington, USA 09/03/17"